Mark Valentine
May 25, 2021

The Salsify Sonnet

For all its beauty, it is invasive.
Advice says to pull it up from the roots 
before it takes over everything, 
but then I found at the bottom a note:
The roots can be eaten. This I must try.

They look like the long fingers of a ghoul 
at Halloween--gnarly and pugnacious.
I rinsed them to peel them and fry them up.

I want this to serve as notice, my friends, 
and not be eager to eradicate 
without finding merit in what remains.

Some, I know, have banished me from their lives 
because of my errors, lapses, and flaws.
But I have worth in redeeming in my root.

Mark Valentine

I live, write, act, and teach on the Olympic Peninsula.